Temple Is Fucking Dead

dead-temple-150pxGlasgow’s latest psychedelic drone-rock outfit, DEAD TEMPLE, share my flatmate’s surname. This means that even if they turn out to be the worst band in the history of guys with guitars, I’m still going to notice them everywhere. Especially as I’m already imagining them getting t-shirts made that say TEMPLE IS FUCKING DEAD. 

Problem is, I can’t find any music by them yet. They’re playing The Art School tonight in Glasgow but I’m writing this from Dundee this evening so it’s not as if I can go watch them.

If any of you out there on the interwebs have seen them live, please do leave a comment below and enlighten the rest of us. They cite U.S. band ‘Dead Meadow’ as an influence which can only be a good thing.

On their Facebook page they describe themselves as,

With influences such as Silver Apples, Neutral Milk Hotel and The Black Angels our dark, experimental and twisted take on Psych Rock is as hypnotically engaging as it is uncompromising

Somehow I doubt they’re as dark as THE DOWNS (see yesterday’s post) and the word experimental has become short-hand for ‘we don’t want to pigeonhole ourselves even though someone else will so they can write a review‘.

There you have it. An entire post about a band who I’ve never heard, who could turn out to be awful. This blog is getting worse by the day. If I was arsed I’d embed the Google search audio from this result.

If you have seen them though, and have an opinion to share – please do so below!


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  1. I have had the privilege of seeing them a few times, they are pretty spectacular!

    I am a worshiper of the temple, as they are a tight unit who just get tighter as time passes, if they continue as they have thus far they’ll surely morph into a one man wrecking machine!

    Also…. Word on the street says they are recording an ep at the moment!
    Who knows… Dundee may get to hear the dead temple psych sooner than expected;)