In 2013 it is now socially acceptable to camp outside the Glasgow ABC for Hanson. It’s now also OK to ask your fans to pre-order your next record through pledging. But only if your band isn’t rubbish. Otherwise you can rely on The Internet to point and laugh in the form of photoshopped gifs.
Edinburgh band THE BIRTHDAY SUIT have featured on this blog before. Today I figured I’d plug the fact that they’re offering free stuff for fans who pre-order their third album via PledgeMusic. Since Future of The Left’s latest LP now sits – signed no less – on my mantlepiece courtesy of the same site, even my tendency for good natured banter on the subject of pledging has diminished. It’s not exactly like the open source programmer who ran the satirical blog, ‘open source software supports communism!’ but you get the idea. No matter how much you love something there’s always the opportunity to poke fun at the more blinkered elements of it.
And as daft as it sounds, getting a signed LP from FoTL made me incredibly happy. I know that’s Not The Dischord Way™ but I couldn’t give two fucks. Not even half a fuck. Every time I look at that signed LP now I get flashbacks of them ripping it up at King Tuts and the world seems a little bit more tolerable.

Signed LP of How To Stop Your Brain In An Accident
Record labels, who needs them? PledgeMusic allows fans to get closer to smaller bands and artists and help them in a much more direct way. Here’s the kind of thing on offer…
“There are experiences and items ranging from a signed guitar used by Rod in Idlewild to an intimate gig in your own living room for you and your friends (UK only) and even a song written just for you. The album pre-order will run until February 4th, a month before commercial release and the orders will be fulfilled shortly after this date.”
At time of writing on 12.12.13 there are two deals left to have Rod come round to your place and serenade you with cups of tea and tunes. I’m not even sure that’s how you spell serenade but it’s late and I’m not in the mood for spellchecking. There are bigger battles to be waged than spelling! The Birthday Suit make excellent music. It’s layered and textured in a way that perhaps that other band Rod is in hasn’t attempted yet. I can see myself pledging tomorrow when I’m re-reading this piece.
Click over to PledgeMusic and see for yourself. One of Scotland’s best bands is making a record and you can help remind them that not everyone is a cheapskate freeloader who only listens to audio streams online.
Am I right?