I’ve cobbled together a post out of Nyla’s Ukulele, Cat Green Bike, Kimya Dawson, and Conor McAteer. There may be a vague point to it. Especially when communication often gets lost in a barrage of loud noise. More »
I’ve cobbled together a post out of Nyla’s Ukulele, Cat Green Bike, Kimya Dawson, and Conor McAteer. There may be a vague point to it. Especially when communication often gets lost in a barrage of loud noise. More »
“…if picking up an instrument was the solution to all of society’s ills, Stormont would simply advertise cheap guitar lessons.” Derry songwriter Conor McAteer tackles the impact of Radio1′s Big Weekend in Derry, including the radio documentary that explored post-troubles Northern Ireland. More »
When it comes to DIY punk in Scotland, few are as involved at making things happen as Derrick Johnston. So he’s kindly agreed to bring us up to speed. Because let’s face it, what I know about the hardcore punk scene would fit on the back of a fucking stamp.More »
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