Dundee band TERRAFRAID have released a new album entitled Despondent. Despite support from the local scene, will the rest of Scotland embrace it? More »
Dundee band TERRAFRAID have released a new album entitled Despondent. Despite support from the local scene, will the rest of Scotland embrace it? More »
Dundee Rock City! Yes, two of Dundee’s most inventive & rockin’ bands have new tracks out this week. Yowsers! And not a single Scottish central belt scenester gives a toss. Y’know why? Because as Jamiroquai would say, WE’RE GOING DEEPER UNDERGROUND… More »
When it comes to DIY punk in Scotland, few are as involved at making things happen as Derrick Johnston. So he’s kindly agreed to bring us up to speed. Because let’s face it, what I know about the hardcore punk scene would fit on the back of a fucking stamp.More »
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