Leftfield and experimental art is the order of the day with acts like In Posterface so I’ve squeezed in an unrelated clip of The Hazey Janes to maintain balance in the force. Spain loved The Zephrys too y’know. More »
Leftfield and experimental art is the order of the day with acts like In Posterface so I’ve squeezed in an unrelated clip of The Hazey Janes to maintain balance in the force. Spain loved The Zephrys too y’know. More »
Cry Parrot’s Music Language Festival 2013 takes place on 6-7th Sept in various Glasgow venues featuring more Scottish creative talent. £14 gets you a weekend pass and is likely to offer excellent value for money. More »
When it comes to DIY punk in Scotland, few are as involved at making things happen as Derrick Johnston. So he’s kindly agreed to bring us up to speed. Because let’s face it, what I know about the hardcore punk scene would fit on the back of a fucking stamp.More »
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