DIY punk label Make-That-A-Take Records / Derrick Johnston released the first episode of Dae Yer Ane Podcast. The best new tracks around Scotland are GO!More »
DIY punk label Make-That-A-Take Records / Derrick Johnston released the first episode of Dae Yer Ane Podcast. The best new tracks around Scotland are GO!More »
TWO new podcasts for you. Episode #20: Alex speaks to Texan noise-pop band Sixteen Deluxe about volume, the economics of ‘free’, song titles, growing older, how much of the Blood of Jesus is too much. #21: chats to Miles Hunt & Sanjeev Kohli. That’d be the front man with The Wonder Stuff, plus Navid out of Still Game. More »
When it comes to DIY punk in Scotland, few are as involved at making things happen as Derrick Johnston. So he’s kindly agreed to bring us up to speed. Because let’s face it, what I know about the hardcore punk scene would fit on the back of a fucking stamp.More »
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